Mayfair PA

Mayfair PAs are key influencers of wealthy and powerful businesses, decision makers, and private individuals in the heart of London’s West End.

Publishing Business owns a substantial database, which is constantly building and being fine-tuned.
A typical Mayfair PA event involves hosting our loyal members at an event at your boutique, hotel or showroom. We then cover the event in Mayfair Times magazine and feature it on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

We ensure you get the appropriate type of guests and numbers that you are looking for to create an enjoyable, bespoke and very successful event.

We’ve had a Cocktail-making class and talks by Champagne experts and life coaches, which all goes to making the evening engaging, fun and attracts more PAs. We run at least one event a month which often get booked several months in advance.

The event can also be packaged with display advertising in Mayfair Times, plus e-marketing activity for an integrated, multi-platform approach.

Sign up for Mayfair PA

Get in Touch
020 7259 1050

Mayfair PA

Mayfair PAs are key influencers of wealthy and powerful businesses, decision makers, and private individuals in the heart of London’s West End.

Publishing Business owns a substantial database, which is constantly building and being fine-tuned.
A typical Mayfair PA event involves hosting our loyal members at an event at your boutique, hotel or showroom. We then cover the event in Mayfair Times magazine and feature it on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

We ensure you get the appropriate type of guests and numbers that you are looking for to create an enjoyable, bespoke and very successful event.

We’ve had a Cocktail-making class and talks by Champagne experts and life coaches, which all goes to making the evening engaging, fun and attracts more PAs. We run at least one event a month which often get booked several months in advance.

The event can also be packaged with display advertising in Mayfair Times, plus e-marketing activity for an integrated, multi-platform approach.

Sign up for Mayfair PA

Get in Touch
020 7259 1050